Thursday, August 20, 2009

A neverending blog for the restless!

Are those pesky finances keeping you up at night?

Is family stressing you out?

Are you finally realizing there are only 126 shopping days left until Christmas?

Whatever the reason, share your thought and let go so you can finally get a good nights sleep!


  1. Oh My God, there are only 126 shopping days left? Damn it, thanks JR.

  2. Awwww...JR you made me a new room? And roses will be my roommate?
    I foresee smooth sailing on this one.
    Thank you.
    And no property taxes to pay? YAY!!!
    No maintenance bills?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yes Dena

    This room is for you and your friends and I hope that Roses is on the way as she is missed!

  5. Now let me see...what keeps me awake at night worrying?
    Are there really vampires?
    What are the dogs barking at now? Is it a opposum, a skunk, a raccoon, a trespasser, or nothing at all?
    If I refuse to redeem the mortgage from a previous not qualified for or properly titled for the loan owner will I too become a renter?
    My immortal soul. Am I going to hell for all of those times I have lost my patience and my temper?
    Will I ever let someone push me to the point where I just pop them one?
    And how long would I go to jail for if I did?
    Because you just know that they will call the police.
    It won't matter that you caught them redhanded trying to steal from you.
    And JR I just lived through buying school clothes and supplies. I haven't even got to the point where I have to wonder/worry if I will have to buy a turkey and all the fixings for Thanksgiving. And that comes before Christmas.
    I don't believe in borrowing worry from the future.LOL
    The one thing that does not keep me up at night is wondering if I will be sued.
    Or, if that will happen in CA.
    Because were anyone to sue me they would need to do it in MN. You know where I live?
    Because that is the civil code for civil litigation.ROFLMAO.
    And I will tell roses again that she is missed.

  6. JR- Now I just read your post on the other blog about the WP horses.

    Don't make me pull out my 'Dinner at Denny's' equasion. You know how it seemed to upset some folks the first time around.

    Any bets on how long before TT shows up?

  7. Is my husband ever going to be able to find things in plain sight or am I really going to have to 'find' the milk every night at dinner? It is always in the same spot, just like the cheese, butter and eggs. He can't find any of them.

    Is the Beta fish ever going to stop trying to attack me from inside his lovely bowl that I gave him?

    Did I set the alarm clock? Better check.

    How many peppermints for horse would this bad movie I rented buy?

    Is that a spider crawling on me or a tick? We don't have ticks here, right? Well, not that I noticed.

    Do my niece and nephew think I believe them when they say they have not eaten all the milano cookies? I can see the choclatey goodness and light cookie crumbs crusted around their beautiful little mouths.

    How many more viral emails can my father find to send me? Am I being punished for something?

    Did I un set the alarm when I check to see if I set it? Better check.

  8. Good ones Zebra!

    To follow Zebra's lead:

    Why can't the people I work with get along, act mature and do their jobs?

    Why don't they understand that when they come to me with all of the petty bullshit, it keeps me from doing what I do best, which is bring in the money, which equates to raises and bonuses.

    Why can't President Obama make it plain to everyone what he wants to do with healthcare? Why can't anyone involved with this whole concept of healthcare reform talk to someone like me who actually understands how the whole system works?

    Why do Buck and Spunky keep drooling even though the clover is pretty much gone?

  9. this ought to be fun . You gave us a place to let loose all of our neurotic obbsessions ! whoo hoo!
    first one , have the a$#hole oil site guys left the gate open again!!
    did I shut the water off to the stock tank
    did I close the gate?( sorry I will let it go)
    My worst is when we wean calves or foals ... why is it suddenly quiet?
    How many shopping days?

  10. Fern:

    No you are right, I am always like did I shut the gate? Now I have, did I bungy the Alpaca pens gates shut.

    Did I make sure Spot (has Cushings) has enough water.

    Did I plug in the invisible fence so Grace and Elvis don't run around the entire County?


  11. JR:

    I think maybe you should have called this blog the Neurotic's Ball.

    I think it will be nice to have a place where people can come and just list out all of their worries and issues. No reply or commentary is needed. Sometimes, it is therapuetic to just be able verbalize what are concerns, fears and worries are.

  12. Did I turn the water on?
    Did I turn the water off? (I have been known to get up in the middle night with flashlight to check...).
    Did I remember to tie the chain around the horse pen gate (cuz the TB mare knows how to open it otherwise....)?
    Did I put all my ducks/chickens/geese away? Did I remember to latch the gate all the way?
    Is that a coyote I hear? Are the cats in? WHY WON'T THE CATS COME IN?????

  13. I can't sleep because roses has me on the phone reading choice excerpts from the blogs to her.
    NCC you have been cracking her up.
    JR she loves our new room.
    Hey everybody...did you all remember to turn off the water? Check your gates? Are the cats all in?
    Just playing.
    We have coyotes too PF. The kitties know they are safe if they stay home.
    Because the coyotes cannot take my dogs.
    In my world coyotes are considered to be tricksters of the Great Spirit.
    I won't say who the devil is because...well just

  14. Coyotes ,eh no problem, My old Polly dog taught these guys well I have very few coyote issues.
    The nieghbors kid with his dirt bike , now that is an issue, screamin up the road sounding like a souped up mosquito on crack!!
    Oh and they have peacocks ! ever heard a peacock? sounds like a kid screaming for help!
    Just what I need!
    Live in the country and enjoy the peace and quiet...NOT
    Night all

  15. Why did I Not fasten the Velcro back on itself on the polos before throwing them in the washer? Who knew they did not like the string girth like that either? Do the polos know that no matter how tightly they entangle themselves and the string girth- there is no killing it?

    They must've figured that out by the spin cycle because the scratchy side of the Velcro attacked. I don't think the polos realize there was only one girth while there are two more of them outside in the horse trailer.

    Why didn't the polos attack the saddle pad? Is it a 'color' thing? The girth doesn't match the pad/polos. Is it because the girth has buckles? They are shiny... Does that count as bling? If not is my horse just ghetto? *sigh*

  16. FV- if you figure out a way to control the kid on the dirtbike, no fair holding it back. Here it's the quads, dirt bikes, go karts, souped up go kart things with stereos and if that doesn't beat it the adults race past in their cars & trucks.

    I swear I am getting a slingshot and a bag of ice cubes. By the time the cops show up they should have not only melted but evaporated. Bonus!

  17. Oh man, so much to add, so little time.
    Right now is it Will I be late to work? Probably.

  18. Is my son's teacher this year going to survive? It keeps me awake at night.

  19. Hello Everyone!
    Been watching and reading for awhile now. Love your comments. I wanted to vent and release my stresses and worries as well. I am worried about money, making sure that my animals are all healthy, hoping that I stay healthy to keep taking care of my animals until i get really old! Hoping my new cat will stop bothering me at night and playing with my head! And yes, making sure i turn OFF the water to the water tanks. I am a big one for that! I am in Wisconsin and run a small horse rescue. I think about the stresses and problems and then go out to groom or work with a horse and then i dont think about those things anymore! Thanks guys for the release and the great information that you give!

  20. I'm just glad to be alive today.
    Multiple tornados blew through my area yesterday. Had no power, and no internet.
    Told ya the AQHA had extreme powers. That's what I get for dissin' Western NotPleasure.

    I worry almost constantly, about everything. I always have. It's genetic.
    My kittens, that Mom & I got, after old Panther (his name, not what he was) died, I worried about nuclear war, because of my kittens. Yup, kittens.

    I didn't have kids, partly because I would have worried myself to an earlier grave for sure.

    I worry that "my" rented little piece of paradise will be sold to developers, and all my carefully nurtured wildlife/birdlife/treeLife will be wiped out.
    I'll be homeless, but I worry more for the wildlife.

    I worry. Oh, yeah.
    Thanks JR&CNJ, the power went out last night, otherwise this would be MUCH longer. Lucky for you.

    Dang work.
    I worry about that, too.

  21. I would also say that I am not as worried right now as I decided to get a chocolate sundae from McDonalds! Yummy!
    Thanks for the welcome and nice to meet you too CCC!
    I have to say that its great to have to have the internet and see what other horse people are doing in their neck of the woods. Especially in my age group. I am at work right now, but extremely bored and this is my time to play and read the various blogs out there.

  22. OH, CNJ, I forgot to say thanks for putting a link to my pathetic blog on your new blog.
    You coulda knocked me over with a FEATHER when I saw that.
    I'm honoured.
    Horseless, and honoured.

    and still worried.

  23. This bothers me:

    (sorry, do not feel like C&P'ing)

  24. NCC

    I can see why that keeps you up at night

  25. Who said McDonald's sundaes??
    No Fair!

    No mentions of ice cream allowed;)

    I was addicted to Haagen Dazs chocolate/chocolate chip ice cream.
    They've quit making it for a while.
    That worried me.
    How will I know if chocolate becomes endangered?
    Who will tell me??

    I do have a pint of plain chocolate HD in the freezer.

    I'm slumming. That worries me.

    Oh, and why have chicken breasts/parts whatever with the skins left on become extinct at the store?

    Why is it extinct?

    dinner bell...

  26. Because GL, leaving the skin on is another reminder that at one point that cold piece of flesh was at one point a leaving breathing CHICKEN! Versus just "anonymous protein," no guilt inferred just pig out and don't think about it....
    Plus, ya know, all that icky greasy skin is so fatty and just, ew....(Nevermind that's where all the FLAVOR is...).
    Rant over. Back to work (pre-market night goes on, and on, and on...).

  27. I have been upset and worried that Hubert Keller lost Top Chef Masters, that is just so not right.


    I'm with you on this. Something isn't right with people who do this sort of thing. I of course could be wrong (yes, yes, it does happen) but I think he is just going through the motions because he has to.

  28. PF:

    The skin is the best. Nothing better than a piece of turkey skin when carving a holiday turkey.

    Of course, this worries me, it isn't very healthy, bad for the arteries ya know.

  29. I worry that someone on the web thinks I am stupid enough to buy into the I want to share my millions in Sri Lanka , just send me your bank info. But what really gets me is the name ..are you ready ..REV. FARTO MARK !!!!

  30. I worry that there is a "trainer" on the West Coast who professes to be an expert in a multitude of disciplines and yet shows no proof. I worry that this person says she is involved in an organization that mentors children. I worry about the integrity and honesty of this "trainer."

  31. CCC,

    Hubert Keller not winning was an unspeakable outrage. I am in agreement.

    I think it made the Beta fish angry too, he blames me. Bastard fish popped out of the water at me tonight. He and the Tidy Bowl Man will be meeting soon if he goes much farther with that stunt. I'm worried that he is going to end up in my disposal and I won't notice till he smells really bad.

  32. FISH! Fish are going extinct! Beta Fish are leaping from their waters!

    What the hell?? They are dip-netting wild pacific salmon in Alaska. Personal use is okay. Commercial fishermen are losing their jobs. People are dip-netting toooo many edible fish, right at the mouth of the river they return to!

    Who the hell is Hubert Keller? Any relation to Helen?

    Christmas is extinct. Now it's X-Mas, and it's time to what?
    Shop? Nope, not me. I boycott it.
    Same as I boycott Wal-Mart/all the BORG stores.
    It's why I'm broke, but it's an honourable broke.
    I sleep easier knowing that I have never contributed to the failing of fair market value.
    It's extinct, too.
    Not my fault though.
    The One thing, that isn't my fault.

  33. WZ:

    I mean Rick Bayless is a great chef, but somewhat limited. I love Mexican Food but that is like all he does. Hubert does lots of stuff and he has that really sexy accent.

    I am traumatized.

    Apparently, so is your Beta fish. He must be out of his mind about the whole thing. Put a couple of drops of beer or something in his bowl, he will be fine.

  34. GL:

    I don't patronize the larger stores anymore either. They have ruined the small business owners. I worry about this alot. And nope, none of that is your fault. Everything else maybe, but not that. LOL!

    Hubert Keller is a really cool French Chef who competed on Top Chef Masters. I love that show (I am a wannabe), anyway, he came in third. I was really bummed.

  35. Why can't my "neighbors" dogs shut up? They were barking incessantly at 6:30 this Am when I fed, they were barking, when I fed at 7:30 PM and they are still barking.

    Why do people have dogs out in a pen when they aren't working dogs. These people have 6 Beagles, they don't even hunt. Does anyone realize they level of noise that 6 bored Beagles can make when they live outside? A freakin leaf blows by their pen and the cacophany starts. Geez!!

  36. Beer has been administered to the crazy Beta. I hope he cools off some, I will update tomorrow.

    You are right CCC, Rick Bayless is the best at his food, but sweet, wonderful, kind Hubert does a little of everything just as well. Plus, Hubert has the accent and I think he chose my favorite lady Top Chef contestant, Elia, for the team challenge.

    I like to shop the local farmers markets for produce right now. I'm actually obligated because one of them is a dear family friend. He has green peppers as big as my head right now. Three for a dollar. One dollar canteloupe, a dozen ears of sweet corn for 4.00 and all the stuff is home grown. He also does fresh produce for the senior centers and schools, totally awesome guy.

  37. Sweet corn is extinct, in my part of the world.
    No sweet corn. It's August! We have peas, but no corn.
    That worries me.

    hey, I'm sleepy! This really works!
    Either that, or I've bored myself to sleep.
    night all!

  38. WZ:

    That is exactly what I thought about him. He gave me the warm fuzzies.

    Your farmer's market sounds really great. I don't have one anywhere near me. We are rural, but everyone grows their own stuff. I have to do more, we have just grown lots of tomatos this year.

  39. CCC- how did you guess barking dogs is one of my biggest peeves? Not a pet peeve, well I guess it is in a way...

    My gawd! If I can hear your fucking mutt yapping away from 3 properties over- can't you? Let them in and shut them up! Damn how hard is that concept to grasp?

    Our neighbor has a beagle. This is number 2 or is it 3? Dunno. Does it matter at this point? The fence doesn't keep the dog in and s/he barks at me as it wanders past. There is no other gears than slow and slower. Why have the dog if you aren't going to take care of it? Oh and they are good church going folks too. The gods creature thing. Yeah. Sure.

  40. I worry that I will owe more than I make. I worry that I will have more than 7 horses come this winter.
    I worry that getting this BS Degree is going to kill me financially.
    I sometimes really do worry about losing the farm.
    I worry that I will not ever get my truck fixed.
    And sometimes, I get so tired of worrying In just stop.

  41. I lay awake at night worrying if I pissed off a the west coast trainer that CCC was talking about and if she lost respect for me!

    Ok maybe I don't lay awake all night!

    Oh I don't worry about that at all.

    But I do worry about how many shopping days until XMAS.

  42. Damn it!

    I can't sleep. What the hell. Was it all the coffee I drank this morning, I can't for the life of me figure out what's ............ wait a minute it is only 10:00pm.


  43. So usually when you attend a 'ball' there's music, dancing and some kind of refreshments...

    So is it classical with a waltz? A tango maybe? Champagne, wine and fine foods?

    Or are we talking heavy metal, beer and a mosh pit?

    Whaaaaaat? I'm just asking!

  44. What kept me up last night:

    Will I be able to have kids? I'm 39. I"ve had 8 miscarriages. My clock is tick, tick, ticking so loudly it's hard to sleep.

    Will I be able to finish this huge creative project I've spent the last five years of my life thinking about and working on? It's now or never.

    Will I ever have the skill and guts to ride my darn sensitive-sided, forward-oriented, spooky-minded mare on the trails?

    Is that a bear I just heard?

  45. Well, I'm blasting the bagpipes.

    Does that count?

  46. Procrastination is my curse. I lie awake worrying about the things I have put off doing.

  47. OK where to start? I haven't slept in 3 wks, work is stressing me out. Thought I had the promotion allllllll worked out and boom the hubbys company pulls the plug..shit no AZ for me. I'm having nightmares about work b/c I'm stressed. Threw my back out again so it's been a week of no riding, no pain relief and me the best seller at the "Jerk store"

    The stable I ride at is a bunch of fuktards. FINALLY have an opportunity for FREE lease on my dream horse and boom....find out they don't check horses at all during the day. can I bring in a horse when you don't notice that you've got a horse in distress???? what???? Oh plus the lady that lets me use her horse for lessons is acting funny and pissed at me...shit the bed

    Out of money,..don't get paid until the 31st. I mean really people..I need money. that's all the rant I have the energy for

  48. I worry I will post on here at the wrong time.
    I used to have insomnia but no more but I still worry. I worry I will not get insomnia and I will get thrown off this blog.
    I worry the west coast trainer will find this blog and ruin it too.
    I worry the west coast trainer will not stay there and make her way east.
    I worry that zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..................... snore...............zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  49. I am worried that getting into the Alpaca business is the dumbest thing Kevin and I have ever done. Even though they are cute as shit and I have crias coming (first one due 9/23.)

    I worry about my Dal Spot who has Cushings and now can't jump on the bed by himself anymore.

    I am very worried about my brother.

    I am worried about being fat.

  50. GL,
    As the daughter of a first generation Scot, I must beg for reprieve from the pipes. Please, have mercy on me.

  51. Now I'm worried that my father and brother really are going to try and learn how to play bagpipes. Great, who do you think will have to be the audience for that little spectacle? Great. Awesome. Can't wait.

  52. Wz, a first generation Scot?
    Is there any other kind?
    The pipes will find ye, WZ. Just give them time;)
    Or a wide berth, which ever comes first. I'm the nutbar in my family, for pipes.

    Don't worry. Be happy. I worry my husband will finally succeed in driving me crazier. The farming business wasn't kind to him.
    So, I am.

    CCC, you are gorgeous, girl!
    Paca Gold Poop will grow manes longer, and fuller.
    I checked.
    It's true.

    Seriously, though, shite is selling well. City folks just love it. Paca poop could be the next sheep manure. Think about it. $5.00/bag.
    Go get some bags, and grow a pile. And sell it!
    I'd buy it!
    Aztec Poop.
    Or something..

  53. Among other things that caught my attention,CCC,YOU ARE NOT FAT!!!!You my beatiful friend are absofrickenlutely adorable!
    And as I said somwhere else the other day , I am who I am and (sorry JR) Fuck em if they can't take a joke !
    don't look if you don't like it

  54. Hmm, I guess now that you mention it, GL there isn't any other kind. Excellent point.

    The boys will get rowdy with their bag pipes and I shall stay far away. I really hope they don't try to learn. I love them, but I have to have some limits.

  55. What's eating at me tonight and will keep me awake:

    A friend's horse just died unexpectedly in the stall--just a yearling and her "once-in-a-lifetime" guy. She's heartbroken, and I think all of her friends are just stunned into incomprehension.

    My best friend's brand-new nephew is fighting for his life in a hospital from an antibiotic-resistant strain of staph. We're all praying our hearts out, but he's just a week old and the docs are giving him low odds of surviving.

    I keep wondering: Why do terrible things like these have to happen? Why do good, giving people have to suffer and greedy people get free passes to take some more? Why do babies have to die when there are more than enough oldsters in this world who have lived and experienced life who could take their place? Just why?

  56. Those are all tough questions hls. Ones I don't think we ever really get sound answers to.
    I am so sorry for your one friend. And will pray for them, the other friend, the baby, and you.

    CCC don't make me kick your beautiful self.
    Fern you nailed it.

  57. HLS

    What will keep me awake tonight is your best friends nephew fighting for his life in the hospital. Our prayers are with you and your friend.

    My father asked me tonight how my daughters have changed my life. They have made me a more compassionate person. That is how they have changed my life.

    Our thoughts are with your friend who lost her horse as well

  58. Hls, read your earlier post ,now this .Just don't know what to say . Prayers and good wishes . and a huge "cyber hug"

  59. I am afraid that our stupid politicians will never fix health care so that or is affordable for all. I am afraid that our politicians are losing control of our economy and that we are stuck in limbo.

    I worry about the kind of world that our kids are going to inherit. A world that knows only violence and no peace.

  60. On that note, JR, I worry my granddaughters will never know joy in the simple things in life.
    The youth of today are plugged into TV's, computers, etc. Animated toys, Hannah Montana,etc.
    What ever happened to hopscotch, jumprope and jacks? Playing outside barefoot until dark?
    I worry it will take to much to stimulate the future brain cells as everything is so high tech today. Digital cameras, plasma tvs. Remember the old B&W tv that would roll and roll until you adjusted the knobs just right? And the brillant flash of white that resolved into a tiny white dot when you turned the TV off? Stupid stuff like that my kids have never seen. What will their memories be? Dial up internet?

  61. I worry about what the world will be like in 15 years. I mean I don't like it much now and if it keeps going the way it is, I am going to become the weird Alpaca lady.

  62. I worry that we are losing touch with our roots. Our solid place in this world with two feet stuck in fertile dirt that isn't paved with concrete.
    How can so many people be so removed from one of the basic tenets of life - growing food? I've been selling fresh chickpeas at the markets lately. 99% of people have never seen them in the fresh form, only canned "garbanzos." They are only good in fresh stage for a narrow 2-3 week window. The pods must be picked off the bush, then the beans - 1 to 3 a pod - shelled out. I did some for dinner last night, took me about 30 minutes to get a cup full. We steamed them lightly and tossed with pasta made from one of our on farm-raised chicken eggs. Yummy.
    But how many people take the time, how many people HAVE the time to do this? And by not being willing to experience this, have we lost the intrinsic connection to the value of food and for those that grow it? I once had a citified lawyer type complain to me how difficult it was to shell fava beans (another fabulous, short season treat that must be handed shelled to enjoy). But, he said, "sitting on his porch (million dollar view home) with wife, shelling those beans, he felt like a real 'pioneer,' a real 'farmer'." I complimented him on his willingness to take the extra effort, but was thinking to myself "No...If you prep the ground in the fall, plant the beans in October, grow them all winter, weed them several times, fertilize them, pick from the plants, then shell the beans from their pod and eat them...Well THEN you can feel like a real pioneer or farmer..."
    And while I agree with early thread of owning versus leasing doesn't speak diddledy-squat to the character of the tenant, I do worry the loss of connection with a "place," somewhere that you see the touch of not only your hands in shaping it, but the hands of your parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. We have lost so many of those places to cement and suburbia. We tear down old houses of characters. Homes that countless hours where once expended to build, that many years of love and life where spent, to build a new, sparkly and high-tech home. What a waste. Can we next spend that energy fixing and preserving the old homes that still have so much life? I'm lucky to live in a very special place that is working hard to preserve the land, the buildings and the spirit of our historic community. I'm blessed. But I worry that so many others will experience this only by coming to visit us. How many times have visitors to my farm said "This is just like where my grandparents farmed...It is a mall now."
    These are the things I worry about. That I hope I can do a small part with my life's passion to change in some small part. One chickpea bunch and historic building saved at a time.
    And now, on that note, I'm going to go pickle some Dilly Beans!

  63. PF:

    That was really beautifully written.

  64. Hey there GL, if you really don't have any homegrown sweet corn in your area I would be happy to send some. The farmer feels bad and is going to talk to the gal that works the market about the best way to ship it. Let me know and the sweet corn is yours. Anyone else suffering from a need of homegrown sweet corn?

  65. YAY PF!!! I have the mule damn it! I want my acres...

    Hey CCC. You will have mail on my next break.

    hls still praying. And hoping for better news soon.

    I wish not only blessings for all but the ability to recognize even the smallest of them.

  66. Now I am worried about my paca girls giving birth. I don't know nuthin about birthin no crias Miss Scarlett. Will start researching this week and will talk to my vets. I think it is a pretty easy thing, especially for the one who is due in a month. She has had a number of crias with nary a problem, but I do worry. Time for me to get my duckies in a row so that I am prepared.

  67. hls:

    I meant to say this earlier, my thoughts are with you and your family.

  68. Why am I such a messy cook, I have been making tomato sauce to freeze from my bumper crop of tomatoes (YEA) and I sitting here with sauce kinda all over my shirt, does this make me a really good cook or just plain messy?

  69. hls, we are sending our best thoughts, wishes and energies to you and yours. Reach out, grab every one you can catch and hang on tight.

    I am in awe of the strength some people have.

    I worry that I don't have the courage to face tragedy and would fail my family when they most needed me.

  70. Oh, hls:(

    PF, me, too. My kid sister brought some "fresh-picked" corn for our family dinner one night, and cooked it. Everyone thought it was delicious, except me. Until you've eaten fresh-picked from the field, you have NO clue how good it is. And what dried out dessicated crap they're selling in stores.

    So, yeah, WZ, if you are from Africa, I'll pass:) But thanks!
    Sweet Corn doesn't travel very well, imo. Especially when you've tasted it fresh.
    Ask my raccoons, they are pissed off too. No corn to raid!

    To health and good fortune for you all.

  71. Hello All....This is a good topic. For the most part people don't want to be open enough to be honest about fears. As a matter of fact, being honest about fears shows a vulnerability to certain people that will use it to their advantage. I think it goes back to a post earlier that they are concerned about the complete loss of moral compass for so many people now. That certainly was not the case just a few generations ago.

    HLS-Before I go into my insignificant worries...From the second I read your post, know that I will be praying for your best friend's precious young nephew. I will also pray that God works through the hands and minds of the medical staff that has been charged with the care of this innocent young boy. I will also be praying for strength for the entire circle of people that are going through this nightmare first hand. Unfortunately there are no answers to the questions you have. There are a million opinions but no answers. It is my hope that you can be strong for your friend.

    My biggest fear is that I will fail my family. As a sole provider for a large family, (with a propensity to assisting others), I am sometimes terrified that I will not be able to keep it up. I grew up without a father, so my largest influence was a wonderful woman (my mother) who was the most generous, honest and loving person I have ever met. Over the years I have also realized that she is very much human. But the reality is that any teenager I grew up with, because she was so loving and safe came to her first with any real life issues that they were too scared to address with their own parents. God put her in many peoples lives. She was also the head of Family Services of San Diego County for over 20 years. BUT, she was also the largest "Worry Wort" that I have ever met as well! LOL So that little idiosyncrasy was instilled in me in a BIG way.

    I worry about the health of my family on a daily basis. I really worry about them being physically hurt daily. Tough thing to do when your wife and daughter love to ride horses. Tough to do when your 8 year old son likes to push the envelope riding bikes, quads and skateboards! Really tough to do when I realize all the STUPID things I did as a young boy. I did not come out of those decisions unscathed!

    I am also scared about the financial future of my business and the business of my customers. Ultimately my future is based off of the success of my customers.

    I also really worry about Prostate Cancer. The one achilles heal that has taken out the last 3 men in front of me on the family tree.

    Other then that, all is good.

    I realize that my posts are long. But at the same time I only have a few opportunities to write. I appreciated everyone's input and insight. It is a joy to read what other people think outside of my little world. Being open to others thoughts and opinions are part of growth. Since I have nothing really wise to say I will close with an Irish prayer that has given me inspiration during trying times in the past, (just like these!)

    May the road rise to meet you.
    May the wind be ever at your back
    May the Good Lord keep you in the hollow of His hand.
    May your heart be as warm as your hearthstone.
    And when you come to die
    may the wail of the poor
    be the only sorrow
    you'll leave behind.
    May God bless you always.
    ``An Irish Wish''

    Respectfully, Jack Tally

  72. GoLightly -
    (BTW, I answered your other ?s on my blog...).
    I was thinking the same thing about the corn but I didn't post it...Won't taste so good after it gets to where it is going! They say the very best sweet corn is eaten raw, straight out of the field. I must attest, my children think so! Ours is just starting to come on in the PacNW, we are far from the best corn (and tomato) growing area. But we do usually get some, late summer/early fall. And it is always scrumptious!

  73. Welcome to the TIB Jack.

    Well said.

  74. I worry so much about my grandkids. Well, they're my step-grandkids so officially I don't get to have a say. Which adds to the worry. One won't eat anything, one eats nothing but junkfood, the youngest gets slapped by his "real" grandma for being "sassy." They are all intelligent and creative kids, but their school is "concerned" because the place they live (with "real" grandma)has red-ant infestation and disgusting septic-tank issues, and should really be condemned. Lots more issues about about how "real" grandma and just-out-of-prison-uncle (who can do no wrong in grandma's eyes) treat them... Their parents are really good at being parents, treating their kids respectfully, reading to them and helping with homework, teaching them good manners, always being patient and never losing their tempers with the kids--but the parents are minimally educated, not so good at being financially responsible enough to get their own place, or getting away from the family influences who are into sucking them into trailer-trash drama.
    I have a pretty good relationship with their Mom--Mr. Littledog's adult daughter--but have to be careful to be encouraging about different options without being critical. Too many people have been critical to her throughout her life, you can't blame her for suspicious---I keep encouraging them to move to our town--we have a fantastic school system, our town is full of affordable rentals, if they were nearer to us we could help out a lot more.
    And the kids all love animals, but the middle child (the overweight 7yo junk-food junkie) seems to definitely have a thing for horses! Potential horse-person? How do I nurture that without appearing snobbish to the family,or leaving the other kids out?

  75. Littledog- maybe you could ask if the all of the kids could help you with the horses? That way the one who likes horses can help and the others can choose whether or not they want to. No preferential treatment and they can feel they are doing you a favor.

  76. hls- how is your friend's nephew doing?

    Everytime I think of the unfairness of life, I try to remember the bad things are what make us stronger- refinement by fire. The bad people who get free passes- those passes are only temporary. There will come a time they will have to pay. Not by what we understand as justice, but one that is even better than anything we could come up with.

  77. To all of you who sent well wishes and prayers for my friend's nephew, I think they're working. He has stabilized for now, but the docs are cautious at this point because he's so tiny and so fragile. Still, it's a ray of good news! Thank you for your kind words. I don't even know the little guy yet, but it has torn my heart up to know he's suffering so much. It was so nice to know that other people were putting in their good wishes for him too.

  78. I wanted to add a personal message to CCC about body image stuff. I think it's hard for women who don't conform to the idealized notions of the "perfect body" to feel OK about themselves because our culture doesn't really even offer an alternative to the idealized look.

    So, for example, those of us who ride and work with horses tend to be much more muscular in key areas, such as shoulders, biceps, thighs, glutes. Our abdominal muscles are usually pretty strong, although some of us carry a layer of "padding" over those muscles. Riding doesn't make you long and lean like running or cycling does. Riding makes you compact and muscular.

    That means we often don't look like the idealized body type, and even when we go to the doctor and have our BMI tested or other body indicators tested, we tend to "fail" the tests. I'm 5'2". I weigh 145 pounds. I would say maybe five or so pounds of that is extra weight. The rest? It's muscle. My shoulders and arms are huge, compared to my friends who run or cycle. My thighs are extremely strong, and yes, big. My butt is probably capable of crushing a can (OK, slight exaggeration...haha..but only slight), but yeah, it's full.

    I'm NOT fat, but I sure as heck don't look like the perfect 5'2" woman. I fail the BMI test every time because my height and weight don't correspond to the chart, but my doctor and I have had the conversation in which she says this test doesn't apply to someone who has as much muscle as I do. (I love my doctor.)

    I can, however, do the following, all in one day: throw 200 bales of hay off a hay wagon, saddle up my horse and ride for 40 minutes. My friends who run and cycle have flat out told me they could never do that kind of work and not want to die from exhaustion.

    Just think about all the things you CAN do with your body, CCC, when those awful cultural messages clog your brain. You're not going to look like a runner or a cyclist or a super-model. Your chosen activity asks you to use your body in ways that those athletes/people could never sustain. You ride, in partnership, with a 1,000+ pound prey animal. Your challenge is to marshal your own body and that of an animal to perform minor miracles.

    You are beautiful. You are powerful.

  79. hls, thanks so much for checking in with an update. I will keep your family and nephew in my prayers and thoughts . Hugs to you ,with all you have been through.

  80. hls, I know that was directed at CCC, but you made me smile when you described the "padding over that muscular abdomen" I love it ! thanks fopr the smile .
    An Alberta Jelly Bean!

  81. HLS

    Glad things are looking up.

    Keep us posted!

  82. hls:

    Thanks for the positive feedback, I really do understand what you are saying. Unfortunately, a lifetime is hard to let go. Society needs to immediately stop what it does to girls/women, the damage that is inflicted is inexcusable.

    I am trying real hard to realize that I am pushing 50 and will not be what I was just a few years ago, I just really need to be able to adjust my perspectives. It is very hard, but I will endeavor to perservere.

    Once again, thanks!

  83. Yes, JR is right, I meant to say that I am glad that your tiny nephew is holding his own. That means alot, his will to survive is strong, even as young and tiny as he is.

    My best thoughts and hopes for you and your family.

  84. I had a really good post for this and blogger ate it. Oh, well.

    HLS, I'm glad to hear that your friend's baby is doing better. I am praying for him.

  85. hls- we are still keeping good thoughts and positive things for your nephew. May whatever is best for him be the final result of all of this. Our deepest sympathies go out to your friend that lost their horse. We know the feeling.

    As for the ball here, I hope that when things take the downward spiral as it has for many, their animals are not dragged into the traggedy and therefore also become victims. I hope that their owners can forsee that the way they have treated people has led their lives to this point. How the amount of the things they currently own or lack, are a direct result of their behaviour.

    Even still, there are folks who get blindsided by things. Sometimes no forsight will prevent it. Hopefully they possess the things and tools needed to keep it from destroying their life.

  86. An Alert to everyone:

    I rarely ever post on FHOTD anymore but once in a while, I will check to see her topics. Hey, I don't like her personality, but she brings up alot of good topics and info. Anyway, I was just checking it out during lunch today and my work computer became infected with spyware. It was really freaky because it said it was infected with 4 different Trojan viruses, talked about hackers and Malaysia. I do have really good virus protection and I ran a scan, nothing. Everything on that front was fine, so I called my IT guy, he said it was spyware, they were phishing (?) because in the end, they were trying to scare me into buying their virus protection software for $99.99. Because it wasn't really a virus, my virus protection software didn't detect it. My spyware protection software had expired, my fault. I bought the new spyware that was recommended by my IT guy, $49.99 and it did the trick.

    I am going to download it at home.

    I just wanted to let everyone know to make sure you have updated spyware protection before going back to FHOTD.

  87. Whew, thanks CCC. Haven't been back, sooo.
    One less thing to worry about. Yeah!

    I worry for kids. I hope for the kid's sakes, the ball has dropped, and we can all bounce back.
    Cautious optimism is healthier than the other.

    Off to hug my husband and my dogs.

    Hope is the thing..

  88. CCC- thanks for te warning. I haven't 'renewed' my posting abilities there yet. Haven't felt the need to be a part of watching out for what others say or how they respond.

    Since the comments on the last post about kids riding mini's, just before it was taken down & moved, I just see no need to be associated with a group like that. The results will not be good. Maybe that would be why, it's no wonder IT chooses to post there.

  89. CNJ:

    I only go over there now and then mainly when one of my buddy's says there is something interesting going on. As I said, I might not think much of her as a person, but she does put up some good topics. It is kinda like a toxic waste dump isn't it? My computer being infected from being there pretty much proves it once again.

  90. I am wishing everyone who is in harm's way in Cally, the very best of luck to each and everyone of you. I am thinking of you and yours!

  91. CCC- last night on the radio they said there were 5 people stuck somewhere that had refused to leave when evacuation was ordered. They had tried to get them out but at that point there was no safe way to do so.

    Then there was another couple that had stayed and survived the fire going over, around and past them, by submerging themselves in the water of a hot tub. They did get burned, but they didn't say how badly or how much.

    What are people thinking??? Or are they??? Sometimes I wonder. Sometimes I consider the source...

    CCC- I check out the blog once in a while, but find I am skimming over a few days worth of threads to catch up. I don't bother to read the comments either. No point to do so that I have seen yet. Some of the newer posters are just whacked. Not worth the effort as I see it.

    You will be getting mail soon too. I gotta send one out that I am still trying to put together.

  92. No worries, CNJ.
    It's not like you don't have anything else to do:)

    Schnuggies and schlobbers to the twins!

  93. I worry my Japanese house boy will never get another job. It's been 3 1/2 months since big auto imploded and his company went belly up. No interviews, no nibbles, no nothing.

    I worry my Japanese house boy will start to like staying at home. Yesterday he made waffles at 5 am. He didn't get up early, he never went to bed.

    I worry darling daughter #3 will get into Harvard or Yale (both recruited her) and how ever will be pay for it without Japanese house boy's paycheck?

    I worry that DD#3 will go to 3rd tier local U because it is cheap and her main squeeze goes there.

    I worry if I keep turning down research opportunities I'll end up in an academic backwater. But we NEED my itty bitty paycheck to keep us fed and clothed. Research in my field doesn't pay. No guts or glory in information/library science. Not even in Web 3.0. The male geeks don't mind shit pay. Heck they would PAY to do research. But they have no life beyond the IS lab. I have 3 kids at home and one in college,(San Francisco) I need a bigger paycheck.

    I worry that because I'm not doing research right now I'll be viewed as expendable in the next round of budget cuts.

    And I worry that my beloved perfume will go rancid.

  94. I'm worried because JR's new forum is down.
    The Gloves Blog has weird ads on it.

    Dena's blog has gone private.

    This type of worry is..
    Better than worrying about my business and my health and my Dad's health and my bro's health and my ex-farmer's health.. Our health bills will be paid, but no-one else will support me/us, if...


    Good luck to us all...

    I worry about my poor puppy's butt. I think she has 'roids.
    From eating too much human hair.
    Poor poopy!

  95. GL:

    Very strange goings on in blogland. Everyting will work out, I feel confident.

    Why does your dog eat hair and get roids?


  96. CCC, well, I don't feed it to her. She just picks it up, cause I could vacuum every four hours, and still have long hair everywhere. I shed like a Shepherd..


  97. Nowhere near 126 days before Christmas... Just sayin'.

    Cuz I know you hate that!
